Did you know that September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day?
How much do you know about World Suicide Prevention Day?
The triennial theme for World Suicide Prevention Day for 2024-2026 is "Changing the Narrative on Suicide" with the call to action "Start the Conversation". This theme aims to raise awareness about the importance of reducing stigma and encouraging open conversations to prevent suicides.
Starting the conversation around suicide can be difficult, and that is why we (UC Davis WPVP) offer Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). MHFA helps anyone learn how to talk about suicide with their family, friends, and peers. The most important thing you can do is be aware of the signs and symptoms surrounding suicide. This class will teach you how to recognize those and have a conversation if necessary. We will be having another session virtually October 29th-30th , 9am to noon through Zoom. Please click HERE to register.
For more information on suicide prevention, feel free to click this LINK, or utilize the resources listed below.
UC Davis Resources:
ASAP: hr.ucdavis.edu/departments/asap
Counselor drop-ins: https://ucdavis.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_byI2jDrEAPyQzMa?Q_CHL=qr
Support U Peer Responder Program: clinicalwellbeing@ucdavis.edu
Our website: https://hr.ucdavis.edu/prevent-workplace-violence
Workplace Violence Prevention Program
- Reporting Workplace Violence
- Training & Preventing Workplace Violence
- Resources & Support
- About Workplace Violence & Tools
Contact the Workplace Violence Prevention Unit: