UC Davis Health Leaves of Absence Team Streamlines Processes and Improves Web Experience

Faster, simpler workflows that empower employees to focus on what they do best.

Aggieservice leaves

UC Davis Health Leave of Absence (LOA) team has recently simplified the leave request process, which previously required several steps and navigating multiple websites, one of which needed a VPN connection.

The new process is simple. Submit a request through AggieService. An updated instruction sheet is available to guide users through the new steps.

By providing better support to employees, managers and supervisors for leaves processes, we help employees return to work more quickly and fully engaged, ready to contribute to the impactful work we do here at UC Davis Health.”

—Elizabeth Delo, Executive Director of Benefit Programs and Services 

To ensure a seamless transition, notification banners have been added to all the old leave request webpages, directing employees to the new process. Managers and supervisors have also received a presentation from the LOA team to familiarize them with the changes.

More info can be found on the updated UC Davis Health LOA webpage.

This improvement was driven by employee and manager/supervisor feedback, which called for clearer, more streamlined procedures. It is part of a broader HR initiative to enhance the overall employment experience.

loa homepage

Additional improvements to the LOA process include updates to the website, refreshed FAQs, and simplified language for employees and leaders. To further simplify access, the Health LOA home page, which was previously housed on the Health Service Channel now coexists on the HR site with the Campus LOA page.

These enhancements were made possible through close collaboration between the Health Leaves team and IT, enabling employees to focus on delivering exceptional patient care and advancing UC Davis Health’s vision of "Tomorrow’s Healthcare Today."