Workplace Violence Prevention Training

UC Workplace Violence Prevention Training: Understanding and Addressing Workplace Violence

Workplace Violence Prevention Training

  • Roughly 20 minutes
  • Completion required within 30 days, annually thereafter
  • Assigned through UCLC on Sept. 5

Start Training

In accordance with California Senate Bill 553, UC Davis is implementing new Workplace Violence Prevention training. This training is designed to help employees on the Davis campus to recognize, report, and respond to workplace violence effectively.

Training Required for ALL Davis Campus Employees

UC's Workplace Violence Prevention Training prepares employees to:
  • Define workplace violence according to California state law
  • Understand the components of the Workplace Violence Prevention program specific to your location
  • Report incidents of workplace violence through appropriate channels
  • Access resources and additional training available at your location

Start Workplace Violence Prevention Training

FAQs on Workplace Violence Prevention Training

Required to Take Training
  • Staff and academic employees

  • Student staff

Not Required to Take Training
  • Emeriti faculty

  • UC Davis Health employees or Police officers (trained separately)


Special supervisor guidance

  • Supervisors are responsible for ensuring employees who do not have computer access are provided with adequate training time or alternative arrangements to view the content.
