woman smiling at her coworker

Specialty Staffing & Diversity Services

Specialty Staffing & Diversity Services advances the university’s mission of cultivating a diverse, world-class workforce.

We do this by sourcing and matching talented, diverse candidates with leadership opportunities (Manager 2, 3 and 4 positions) and critical/hard-to-fill positions at UC Davis and UC Davis Health.

Additionally, we provide comprehensive support across Human Resources on topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion. We are committed to ensuring our workforce reflects the students, patients and community we serve by embedding equitable practices into all our efforts and constantly evolving to incorporate innovation and creativity in everything we do.


Specialty Staffing & Diversity Services aspires to generate meaningful change across UC Davis and ensure we are an Employer of Choice.

We do so by advocating for inclusive practices with a focus on attracting diverse talent that will inspire creativity and innovation. This vision is informed by our values, which include:

  • Demystifying the recruitment process for all applicants and addressing barriers that hinder applicants from being fairly considered
  • Challenging policies and practices that are not equitable 
  • Forming strategic partnerships with senior leaders, departments, current employees and community partners to attract, hire, and retain diverse talent
  • Being accessible, helpful, and realistic with prospective applicants 
  • Practicing humility and listening to the narratives of diverse staff members
  • Making data-driven decisions and providing transparent access to information about our workforce
  • Making the business case for diversity in our workforce
  • Affirming the UC Davis Principles of Community and operationalizing them in our efforts

Operationalizing our Mission & Vision

We are committed to both leading UC Davis in cultivating a diverse workforce and being an exemplar in how to operationalize these efforts:

  • We think big. Our programs, initiatives, and advocacy are oriented towards creating change on a large scale. We are innovating and redefining HR practices
  • We are client focused. Our applicants are the future of UC Davis and we are committed to offering excellent customer service through the recruitment process
  • We communicate. UC Davis is an Employer of Choice, and we brag about why we are a one-of-a-kind place to work. We believe that world-class talent belongs here
  • We work closely with the community to build employment pipelines that are strong, genuine, and strategic
  • We conduct ongoing outreach and recruitment efforts to diverse communities to identify top talent and demystify our application process
  • We work closely with all our Talent Acquisition departments, HR units and decision makers to ensure we are forward-thinking and always improving
  • We provide data-driven workforce consultation to departments across the university to identify actionable strategies 
  • We develop and conduct trainings and resources for our hiring managers and supervisors 
  • We provide full-cycle recruitment support, as well as sourcing for challenging positions. Our recruitments embed inclusive best-practices at every step in the process